Where Do Faeries Go at Sunset and SunriseThis angelfire sunset continues on with the question of where Faeries live and hid when they live to close to humans. I chose this picture because it is hard to know whether it is a sunset or sunrise. It could represent the bigging of a day as well as the end of one. Either way where do you suppose the Faeries go when either time of day happens?
More Hiding or Living Spaces For Faeries.
This is an Angelfire water fall picture. I thought a scenery like this would make a good spot for Faeries to get rest, if not live there. There are many Pine trees about which is good for the Faeries in my story. They do not lose their leaves in winter, which give Faeries shelter during that season. It the principal Faery ring I created for my story there are no water falls. The stream that runs through it does so at a flat level. Should the Faeries in my story see a water fall while traveling they would certainly stop to enjoy the view. In the movie "Fairy Tale a True Story" the Faeries are attracted to a waterfall at a beck, which is an old word which means stream. This waterfall could easily be part of a camping ground for humans as well as a location in a deep forest where humans seldom go. |
Signs That Make YouThink Faeries Were Nearby Not to Long Ago.
This picture I took at a park in Point St.Charles. If you look closely at the ground around the foot of the tree you will notice some rings that go around it. Most likely it was done by some city worker long ago cutting the grass with the marks left there unintentionally. Or is that what a bunch of nomad Faeries would like us to think?;). |